Art Director @ Picomark
Art Directing, Branding, Web Design, UI Design
The inspiration for creating this app came from the frequent incidents where freelance designers were challenged to describe my designs in words to my clients.
To resolve this issue permanently, three friends from the same middle school formed a team to create Picomark.
The goal of Picomark is to create a design collaboration tool to benefit freelance designers and their clients by providing a way to communicate visually. It allows people to upload various image formats, share/invite, and collaborate.
Competitive analysis was done before the team started creating the app. The team differentiated our app from other companies by adding features like uploading PDFs, live chats, and live comments.
1. Logo
Picomark's icon is derived form of a feather, used throughout history as pens. A graphical pun in this logo is that the feather resembles a letter "P", which is the initial letter of Picomark, and also a letter "m" inside when rodates 90 degrees clockwise.
2. Customized Mouse Cursor
3. Homepage
Draft 1
Draft 2
Draft 3
4. Project Page
Project page was built for the users to organize files. The team were coming up with multiple drafts to make this page user-friendly.
Draft 1
Draft 3
Draft 2
Draft 4
5. Workspace Page
The workspace page is a collaboration space. The features like live chat, real-time comment, real-time draw were built and tested.
Draft 1
Draft 3
Draft 2
Draft 4